
Will AI make everyone dumber?

There is a new commercial about Apple Intelligence called “Write Smarter” which helps an office worker write a very basic email to his boss. The boss reads the simple email

4 months ago

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There is a new commercial about Apple Intelligence called “Write Smarter” which helps an office worker write a very basic email to his boss.

The boss reads the simple email incredulously while the employee rejoices triumphantly and the music blasts “Genius” lyrically in the background.

This commercial reminded me of one of my concerns about AI

I’ve been thinking since everyone started using AI to do everything for themselves ...

Will we stop thinking for ourselves and relying on AI for basic tasks like reading, writing, creative thinking?

This will start at early ages in school - people will become reliant on AIIt will be a crutch - similar to GPS is for navigation - and over time no one will be able to do this most simple things like put a few sentences together for themselves

My high school English teacher would routinely have us write three five paragraph essays in a row in one hour— I’m wondering if this new AI dependent generation will be able to put two sentences together on their own

Writing is like a muscle - use it or lose it- - if we just let AI do everything; or most everything, then we will certainly lose it

Are we headed to a Wall-E existence?

Edwin Marcial

Published 4 months ago


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