
Your car is spying on you

Every trip you take, digital goblins capture where you go, how far you drive, how fast you drive, do you speed or take any red lights, how hard you break

3 months ago

Latest Post How You Treat People on the Way Out Says Much About Your Leadership by Edwin Marcial public

Every trip you take, digital goblins capture where you go, how far you drive, how fast you drive, do you speed or take any red lights, how hard you break and thousands of other data points.

If its a GM, Honda, KIA, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, or a few others, they send all that data to your manufacturer and they in turn sell and share it with 3rd party companies like LexusNexus who then sell it again to insurance companies.

If those insurance companies don't like what they see in your data, your insurance goes up.

Oh, and all of this is happening likely WITHOUT your knowledge or consent.

Yep, you probably agreed or didn't agree to this in some deeply buried digital agreement which may or may not have even been presented to you.

Also this data will likely be, or already has been, hacked and so its available to bad actors as well.

Scary, isn't it?

Edwin Marcial

Published 3 months ago


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